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[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Barbie DollsIn the mid 1940's, the young ambitious duo(一对艺人)Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a

A、to go to school.B、to take photos.C、to make wooden frames.D、to be highly successful.


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Barbie DollsIn the mid 1940's, the young ambitious duo(一对艺人)Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a

A、She does not attract young men.B、She has undergone many changes over the years.C、She is 11.5 inches tall.D、She has managed to keep up with fashion.


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Barbie DollsIn the mid 1940's, the young ambitious duo(一对艺人)Ruth and Elliot Handler, owned a

A、Mattson.B、Elliot.C、Ruth and Elliot Handler.D、Harold Mattson,Ruth and Elliot Handler.


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Exploding Lakes of CameroonWhat comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a

A、erected a pressure-releasing pipe in the lake.B、identified the gases at the bottom of the lake.C、built a beautiful fountain near the lakes.D、removed...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Exploding Lakes of CameroonWhat comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a

A、Scientists are planning to install pipes in all crater lakes.B、Scientists still do not know how to prevent gas explosions.C、Explosion disasters coul...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Exploding Lakes of CameroonWhat comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a

A、Water will flow down the hills.B、Poisonous gases will be released suddenly.C、A strong wind will rise from the lakes.D、The volcanoes will come to lif...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Exploding Lakes of CameroonWhat comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a

A、the gases rise to the top and mix with air.B、people from the villages turn over the water.C、scientists have put in a computer system.D、they have mor...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Exploding Lakes of CameroonWhat comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a

A、They were formed in 1984.B、They are at the top of two active volcanoes.C、They are not like most other crater lakes.D、Water in them turns over regula...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Science of the FutureUntil recently,the"science of the future"was supposed to be electronics

A、as good as wool.B、as good as an insect‘s body.C、not as good as natural materials.D、better than natural materials.


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Science of the FutureUntil recently,the"science of the future"was supposed to be electronics

A、Biotechnology can solve all our future energy problems.B、Biological power is cheaper than nuclear power.C、Biological power may not be as dangerous a...


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Science of the FutureUntil recently,the"science of the future"was supposed to be electronics

A、to make something as good as human skin.B、to produce drugs without side effects.C、to transplant human organs.D、to make artificial hearts and eyes.


[不定项选择题] 第三篇The Science of the FutureUntil recently,the"science of the future"was supposed to be electronics

A、biological power sources would be put into use soon.B、oil,gas and coal could be repeatedly used in the future.C、dependence on non-renewable power so...




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