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[单选题] Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a

A、when it is hungryB、before it plays a trickC、when it starts to play a trickD、after it has done the trick


[单选题] Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a

A、who their trainers areB、they will be praised by theft trainersC、they will get a rewardD、something dangerous will happen to them


[单选题] Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a

A、Scientists consider apes may drive trains some daB、Apes have worked in some factorieC、Apes may one day be used to gather cropD、An ape is not a large...


[单选题] Children for whom school has no pointMany children do not go to school either because their parents

A、run away from schoolB、live in stable familiesC、are not registered at any schoolD、stay at home doing the housework


[单选题] Children for whom school has no pointMany children do not go to school either because their parents

A、that people feel very emotionalB、that parents worry their children at schoolC、that these children think education is a waste of timeD、that there are...


[单选题] Children for whom school has no pointMany children do not go to school either because their parents

A、has given powers to the police to pick up parentsB、will give money to parents to send children to schoolC、will go to the family and persuade parents...


[单选题] Children for whom school has no pointMany children do not go to school either because their parents

A、they do not reach their objectivesB、they do not contact parentsC、children escape from schoolD、they meet their targets


[单选题] Cirque du Soleil officials said their top concern was__.

A、regulations against job discriminationB、the safety of other performers and the audiencesC、doing the right thingD、making a lot of money


[单选题] Cirque du Soleil(say it:Serk du So-lay)is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of A

A、a very good acrobatB、not sickC、unable to find other workD、HIV positive


[单选题] Cirque du Soleil(say it:Serk du So-lay)is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of A

A、believes he was fired illegallyB、says he was not HIV positiveC、understands why he had to be firedD、lives in San Francisco


[单选题] Cirque du Soleil(say it:Serk du So-lay)is being accused of out-dated thinking about the dangers of A

A、they haven‘t practiced enoughB、the equipment is in need of repairsC、they perform risky acts without netsD、some are HIV positive


[单选题] d(sin2x)=( ).



[单选题] Don't forget to post the letter for me,__?

A、do youB、will youC、are youD、can you




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●    形势与政策 ●    思想道德修养与法律基础 ●    计算机应用基础 ●    会计学原理 ●    大学英语 ●    管理学原理 ●    中国近现代史纲要 ●    经济学原理 ●    统计学 ●    科技写作 ●    毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 ●    植物生理学 ●    遗传学 ●    大学化学 ●    林业病虫害防治 ●    土壤肥料学 ●    园林树木学 ●    经济林栽培学 ●    林业生态学 ●    林木育种学 ●    刑法学 ●    宪法学 ●    法理学 ●    民法学 ●    刑事诉讼法学 ●    民事诉讼法学 ●    行政法 ●    国际经济法学 ●    商法学 ●    高等数学C ●    土木工程CAD ●    工程地质学 ●    工程制图 ●    阴影与透视 ●    建筑初步 ●    建筑力学 ●    建筑材料 ●    建筑设计 ●    建筑构造 ●    马克思主义基本原理 ●    电路基础 ●    建筑设备 ●    土木工程基础 ●    创业基础与就业指导 ●    数据结构 ●    数据库原理 ●    可视化编程技术 ●    计算机网络 ●    网络操作系统 ●    工程测量 ●    物理化学 ●    流体力学 ●    环境工程原理 ●    环境微生物学 ●    环境监测 ●    计算机在化学化工中的应用 ●    化工仪表及自动化 ●    化工机械基础 ●    化工原理 ●    测绘CAD ●    测绘法规 ●    地籍测量与土地管理 ●    遥感原理与应用 ●    人体解剖学 ●    思想道德与法治 ●    生物化学与分子生物学 ●    工程估价 ●    工程经济学 ●    法理学初阶 ●    宪法学 ●    工程造价 ●    工程项目管理 ●    高层建筑基础 ●    建筑施工技术 ●    土木工程施工技术 ●    概率论与数理统计 ●    电子商务 ●    现代汉语 ●    Flash动画设计制作 ●    质量管理 ●    大学语文 ●    其他