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[单选题] It is five years since I was__with them,so I don't know how they are getting along.

A、out of controlB、out of the questionC、out of touchD、out of sight


[单选题] It is__for me to carry.

A、a too heavy bagB、too a heavy bagC、too heavy a bagD、too heavy bag


[单选题] It used to take Redwood City,California police hours to locate gunfire.Now,they have a new tool that

A、talk to policeB、warn the publicC、listen for gunfireD、play rap music


[单选题] It used to take Redwood City,California police hours to locate gunfire.Now,they have a new tool that

A、a little bitB、cut down the use of weaponsC、tremendouslyD、solve all the shootings


[单选题] It used to take Redwood City,California police hours to locate gunfire.Now,they have a new tool that

A、the address of the criminalB、Redwood CityC、the capital of CaliforniaD、the location of the gunfire


[单选题] It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her moth

A、simple information is usedB、children should know their namesC、it helps children act automaticallyD、difficult information is only partly learned


[单选题] It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her moth

A、the operatorB、an emergency numberC、a practice number for childrenD、used to keep children calm


[单选题] It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her moth

A、Give instructions on calling for help,B、Partly-learned information is uselesC、Teach children how to deal with emergencieD、Keep what children learn w...


[单选题] It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her moth

A、Children have fun dialinB、Emergencies happen without warninC、Children can wake their parentD、Dialing can help children with their math stud




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